The surf adventure begins with an exploration of the beaches of Camaret sur mer
Explore the lobster kingdom
Sand and cliffs
Currents: Medium - Strong
Good for lessons or to improve
Sand and cliffs
Currents: Medium - Strong
Good for beginner
Sand and cliffs
Currents: Medium - Strong
Good for kid and eat crepes ! ve
We will teach you the rules of priorities and conviviality to learn surfing in the best possible conditions
La régle de base qui est : 1 vague = 1 surfeur
But also :
Say Hello!
The surfer furthest inside the break has priority
You should not go on a wave if there is someone in front (swimmer/fisherman/surfer)
To avoid collisions; you must not let go of the board by making failed “ducks”
16 QUAI LOUIS AUGUSTE TEPHANY, 29570 Camaret-sur-Mer, France
Here you'll find all the necessary infomation on the location of CAMARET SURF SCHOOL
Camaret Surf School is based in Camaret-sur-mer in Brittany and located in one of the most beautiful spots of the French coastest
Not sure what to do on your vacation yet? Or your weekend?
Well, it's high time for you to come to the end of the world and enjoy crystal clear water with breathtaking beaches and waves. An ideal place to discover surfing and the beauty of Brittany.
You can come to Camaret-sur-mer and take surf lessons with us for these additional reasons.
But also :
The surfer furthest inside the surf has priority
Do not go on a wave if there is someone in front (swimmer / fisherman / surfer)
And other tips to discover during our lessons....